Saturday, June 4, 2016

How to make your parents happy (MUST READ)

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How to Make Your Parents Happy
Your parents care very much for you, and you should do what you can to make them happy. Learn what you can do to be a considerate of them. Below are some suggestions for you depending on your age and where you are in life.

Do your chores. This is a great way to show your parents you care about their concerns. Your parents care about the way your home looks, and being active in helping them maintain that home will make them happy. It will also help keep peace in your home. This will also impact your parents well-being.[1]
Do your chores without being asked to. That eagerness to help will be much appreciated, and will earn you brownie points with your parents.
Do more than you are asked. If your daily chore is to sweep the kitchen, start sweeping the hall as well. If you see something needs to be done, go ahead and do it. That will lighten the burden off of your parents and really mean something to them.
Help your parents out when you see them working around the house. If your dad is raking the leaves, go grab a rake and join him. If your mom is mopping the floor, take the mop from her and let her get a break. Your parents are doing a lot, and it would make them happy if you were considerate of all that they do.

Do well in school. Show up every day and dedicate yourself to your studies. Parents want to be proud of your achievements, and giving them something to be proud of will make them very happy. You do not have to be a straight A student, but just showing that you care about school will go a long way in their book.[2]
Do not skip school. This could create a world of problems for yourself and your parents. If you have to miss for something, clear it with your parents first before you miss a day or a few hours of class.
Let them know if you are struggling in a subject. It is better to be honest and get the help that you need instead of hiding it or just giving up. This shows maturity and that you really care about your performance at school.
Be good in class. You can be a smart, well-graded student and still have issues with behavior. Make sure your teachers only have good things to say about you. This will make your parents happy since you are taking their parenting to heart.

Excel in an extracurricular. Find out what you are good at, and join a club or team that supports that endeavor. It is good to have hobbies, and having something that your parents can hang on the wall like a certificate or ribbon will bring them much happiness.
Remember that you do not have to be the best. Do your personal best and push yourself to grow in whatever you are doing, but do not try and be perfect. Your parents will be happy just knowing you are trying your hardest.
Try out multiple things. One year you might go out for the volleyball team and not make it. Try and join the art club. You might find your passion in something unexpected. Being open-minded will help you figure out what you like best. If you need help finding a hobby, check out

Be obedient. Do what your parents tell you to do when they ask you to do it. This shows your parents you respect them and their authority. Knowing they have this respect from you will surely make them happy.
Do not talk back or disrespect them. If you cannot do something, let them know in a calm manner.
Communicate with your parents if something changes. If you have a set curfew and you cannot make it or would like to stay out, let them know ahead of time instead of just disobeying.
Always listen. Parents have reasons why they tell you to do things or set rules. Listening to them will help you to understand their reasoning. If you have questions, just ask them and be open to their perspective.


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